Sunday, June 6, 2010

30 by 30 {week 11}

Today's Weight: 222.4 {-6}

So close to my goals, I have never been more elated! I'm so close to the teens!! I know 6lbs is a lot for 1 week, but my husband decided to join me in the low carb diet so we have been very supportive of each other. It really helps to stick to our goals. Hubby has done remarkably well, he's down almost 10lbs I believe, his official weigh-ins are Mondays. Also I've been kicking butt in my Wii games! Along with exercise every other day.

I'm proud of my accomplishments thus far, so much so, my friend posted pictures of me yesterday that I didn't preapprove and I didn't mind any at all. Usually I just cringe and immediately text and say "delete"! But I was OK with them, finally I'm starting to be OK with my own body. It's a weird feeling..