Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!

The Holidays were great for the hubs and I. I managed not to gain weight and lose 3lbs! Yippee! Im eating mushy foods with the occasional regular well chewed food every now and again. This year I want to officially mark my resolutions. I always say them in my head but never make them official. Well today is the day, I don’t have a huge list just a few minor adjustments to make and hopefully, {no wait scratch that!!} definitely keep.

2009 Resolutions
1. Lose Weight
(Aha you say sure EVERYONE says that..BUT not everyone has had weight loss surgery 3 weeks ago!)
My band will work for me and I will work to loose my excess weight for good!
Yeah im sooo disorganized at my chaos will know be a well organized chaos!
3. Finish projects I start.
Im really good at getting an idea and never really quite following it through..I believe I owe my husband our dating scrapbook and would love to make a wedding one as well.

That’s pretty much it, not bad right?

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