Sunday, March 21, 2010

30 by 30 {Week 1}

So today is exactly 21 weeks till my birthday, not just any birthday the big 3-0. To me it is just a number as I don’t feel or look or even act like it! Today starts my official goal of 30lbs by my 30th birthday. Got on the scale this morning, I am not proud of this number by any means. However, where I came from prior to surgery { 300+} I really would have never thought I’d even be this close to this number.

Today's Weight: 240.8

Picture coincidentally taken Yesterday:

It’s actually a full length so I can see progress. I won’t guarantee I’ll have pics of myself every week but I will definitely take a picture of the scale so I can monitor my progress.
I’ll be honest, I did have weight loss surgery in December 2008, I had the lap band. So I won’t be trying any diet gimmicks or have much to share in regards to what I eat. I try to eat healthy (as possible) and do exercise as that seems to be the best balance for me to see some progress on the scale. I have stalled for many months; I was in 250s for the better part of the year, very frustrating!! But now I vowed to get a handle on this and make my way down to Goal 1 which was 199. Yes 30lbs by my birthday doesn’t equate to 199 but it does put me so close to it that I’d try my hardest to achieve that goal! So welcome to my newest endeavor!


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