Friday, March 26, 2010

Fitness Friday for me!!

Today just felt like a good day to be extra healthy and fit! It may be after the slippery slope I was in yesterday. I had a slice of cake {gasp!!} and a scoop of Ice Cream with naughty bits in it {blasphemy!} I was a lil upset with myself last night like why did I have such urges for sugary treats?! Looked at my calendar and was like "oh!" that's why. So today I started my day with Cheerios and after a HOUR LONG 4 Mile workout I had a salmon burger with fresh basil from my lil herb garden topped with a little bit of tzatziki sauce(greek yogurt yummyness). It took me 30 mins or so to finish. It felt really satisfying to eat slow and savor every lil bite. Since I couldn't finish it the pups enjoyed it too.

I hope the pending monthly visitor doesn't affect my weigh-in this Sunday!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Getting to know you..well me..

Played along from Ashley's blog

1. What year did you graduate high school?


2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?

the whole shabang...

3. Beach house or Lake house?

Beach! no wait Lake..I'll take both!

4. Mac or PC?

PC, I don't know if I can make the change..we shall see.

5. Did you wear braces?

No, perfect teeth thanks to never having a Paci!

6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be?

Seriously I'd like to be Martha Stewart. She is so creative with everything!

7. How many times have you moved in your life?

Too many to count, this latest move is my biggest moved,to GA from Jersey.

8. Would you rather cook or clean?



30 by 30 {Week 1}

So today is exactly 21 weeks till my birthday, not just any birthday the big 3-0. To me it is just a number as I don’t feel or look or even act like it! Today starts my official goal of 30lbs by my 30th birthday. Got on the scale this morning, I am not proud of this number by any means. However, where I came from prior to surgery { 300+} I really would have never thought I’d even be this close to this number.

Today's Weight: 240.8

Picture coincidentally taken Yesterday:

It’s actually a full length so I can see progress. I won’t guarantee I’ll have pics of myself every week but I will definitely take a picture of the scale so I can monitor my progress.
I’ll be honest, I did have weight loss surgery in December 2008, I had the lap band. So I won’t be trying any diet gimmicks or have much to share in regards to what I eat. I try to eat healthy (as possible) and do exercise as that seems to be the best balance for me to see some progress on the scale. I have stalled for many months; I was in 250s for the better part of the year, very frustrating!! But now I vowed to get a handle on this and make my way down to Goal 1 which was 199. Yes 30lbs by my birthday doesn’t equate to 199 but it does put me so close to it that I’d try my hardest to achieve that goal! So welcome to my newest endeavor!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

1st Day of Spring!

We went to Stone Mountain, and climbed/hiked down a mountain..yes I said mountain! A steep treacherous gigantic granite stone mountain. I still can't believe I did it! I didn't even fall! Although I did get stuck on a tree on my way down. But overall I'm proud of my accomplishment today. I added going up that mountain as a goal. Can not wait to try that one out.

Here is a shot of a part we went down..

As I sit here with aching legs I am still very proud..excuse me whilst I go soak LOL


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Challenge/Goal!

I have decided that I need a goal. A challenge something to inspire me to finish what I set out to do the day I underwent weight loss surgery. Its been over a year and while I'm glad and ever so thankful for the weight I have lost thus far, I realize I'm much further away from Goal 1. So in my heartburn episode last night at 4am I decided, goal is 30lbs BY my 30th birthday, I'll dub this 30 by 30. That is over 4 months away, averages to 1.5 a week, a very realistic and attainable goal. I wont see it as OMG its 30lbs, nope I just see it as lose at least a lb and some a week and you'll be there. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll be doing updates or monitoring progress, or if I'll be doing photos. They always have inspired me in the past. I'll start this officially on Sunday as my birthday falls on a Sunday this year so I'll be able to hopefully track progress weekly.

So why is it that I decided this last night and did great all day and come night time I become the bottomless pit LOL I seriously just didn't get "full", that can be soo frustrating. So instead of snacking I'm writing as its too dark to take pictures.

Looking forward to everyone sharing some encouragement and support! Share inspiring stories too!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OMG am I the crazy dog lady?

Or will I be the kind of mother that researches pediatricians and pre-schools while my kid is still a fetus? I have been researching in depth a possible Veterinary for my pups. My Chloe needs to be spayed and hopefully it will be soon. So I researched all vets in this area (which is A LOT!!) and looked for reviews, I've read tons of different reviews on various Vets and some are shady. The one we are meeting with Thursday has great reviews and the people I spoke with were very knowledgeable, honest and most importantly I got a good vibe.

In other news, it is a sunny 62 degrees and we had lunch al fresco! Loving this weather!

Me & my Canon have a date outside soon!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy bee...

The days just fly here for me! I just now finished editing all my pics for project life and they are posted!

I am super excited to be starting this class soon! I received my binder and can not wait to start! March 29th needs to get here ASAP!!!

In other news, we are enjoying our new surroundings. I know for a fact that the dogs are, never seen them so flippin happy every day! They frolic in apartment and outside, so glad we moved! Now Hubby needs a J-O-B soon and all will be super awesome!


Thursday, March 4, 2010


We are in, unpacked and completely enamoured with our new place. I can not wait to post more pics and edit pics LOL this is us on moving day!

I need to catch up on project life Tuesday I feel so behind but I'm catching up with dailys this week.