Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So today was hubby’s birthday, this morning he refused to admit he was 28, then said he wasn’t 28 till 8:45PM..My love is a giant baby. I baked him one of his favorite cakes, “Funfetti”. We went to Fridays as his celebration dinner, it was dee-lish! So I went off the diet for this day, but it was his special day, I should at least join in the revelry. I had a drink, a wild berry sangria..OMG! I haven’t had an alcoholic beverage in awhile, this drink was amazing. I had to pace myself before I ordered another LOL However, it felt nice to get ID’d, being newly 29 has hit me hard, I feel old and I feel behind. Like I should have accomplished so much more, but that’s for another post …I’m 29 and can never order a drink without being ID’d that is just awesome!
He made me sing Happy Birthday twice, as the 1st go he didn’t blow out all his candles mind you I only put 3 on as it was all we had. SO then I sang again and he had some trouble LOL My old geezer! =0)
So on this day 28 years ago, the love of my life was born..
Happy Birthday Pookster!! =0)


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