Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome Chloe!

We started our adventure at 9am!! We drove 3hrs to play and cuddle with our new addition! Chloe!

She is absolutely sweet and such a cutie!! She is only 3 weeks old so we can’t take her home till end of October. I enjoyed our road trip there and back; I crocheted, read and napped whilst hubby drove. I love all the corn we saw…and pumpkin stands..Autumn is here..woohoo!

Here are some corn pics and some of our Cutie!


1 comment:

janel. said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! how did I miss this post before?!?! That is the CUTEST baby I have ever seen :) oh my goodness I can't stop staring at her :) love love love. more pics!!